We are happy to announce an upgrade to the Journalytix Cloud Servers.

There is a change to the daytradr client application. It will now send open PnL to the servers every 60 seconds, so that the status of open trades will be updated between the open and close. This will immediately be reflected on the My Trades and Day Overview pages and we’ll have some new features released in the coming weeks to take advantage of this information. Go to the Downloads section of the Account Settings page in Journalytix to get the latest version.

We have implemented commissions in Journalytix, which means you can both apply commissions to trades that are already in the system as well as new trades that come in. For more details on how we handle commissions, click here.

The commissions changes have impacted the entire system from Leaderboard, My Trades, Calendar to Dashboard, where you can see both Gross, Net and Commissions amount clearly to properly assess the impact of commissions on your trading.

We’ve improved the search engine so you can now search with no search terms to see all text.

We’ve also made the Trade Notes entry a lot more ‘hands free’ by showing the most recently used Trade Hashtags (with a button to show all) – so you can now just click the hasthags you want to re-use instead of using the auto-complete feature. Note that the Commissions are also shown on the notes page now.

So – please clear your browser cache and install the latest daytradr client app and enjoy the new features.